It would appear dogging is not just all about meeting up in beauty spots and car parks late at night for casual sex in and around cars, there is also a huge social following surrounding the whole dogging concept.
We were quite amazed to discover a regular amount of “doggers” meet up on a regular basis to chat over coffee and other light refreshments in these same beauty spots that are normally used after dark for sexual activities.
We spoke to several members of the dogging afterdark website who say they all enjoy meeting up at known locations, packing a flask of hot coffee and enjoying several hours catching up with other people who engage in dogging for a good social evening.
It seems the most popular locations are those with picnic tables so that they can enjoy an evening sitting and chatting with friends and others whom all enjoy dogging, discussing anything from other locations and best times and places to meet for sex, as well as chatting about work and other personal lifestyle events. More often than not with the warmer summer evenings they will bring along portable bar-b-q and enjoy the whole evening as you would entertain friends at home.