Author Archives: dogging

Dogging still as popular in 2017

Its now 17 years since the dogging after dark website was launched on the internet and still dogging is proving to be as popular as ever with new locations springing up as quickly as old ones are being closed or shut down.

Dogging in the UK has always appeared to have a huge following and still associated with people who promote and enjoy a swinging lifestyle, although a great deal of swingers will also tell you that dogging is not part of a swingers lifestyle and there is a huge difference between the two activities.

After Dark has listed locations covering the whole of the UK on its website since the late end of 1999, making it one of the most comprehensive and largest dogging websites online, with over 10,000 members and a huge following both in the Swinging and Dogging community. They are also known for their widely popular Social events held at various locations and at regular intervals all over the UK

New dogging locations


Massive update to our Dogging Locations directories this month! with hundreds of NEW dogging locations added for the whole of the UK.

After Dark is still the biggest dogging website on the internet, running since 1999, the ONLY website to give you dogging locations with Directions, Maps, Reviews, Photos and Videos and a dogging tonight members only Forum where you can arrange to meet up with other members and also find out where any planned dogging meetings are taking place in your area.

Dogging locations


This week we see another 43 new dogging locations added to the member directory of dogging after dark. Even with the weather turning colder there still appears to be an increase in dogging all over the UK, and new locations are being listed on a weekly basis with maps and directions and reviews.

A complete online guide to dogging in the UK with all the information you could ever need on where to go dogging and how to find locations in your local area and for the entire UK.

Thoughts on dogging

Dogging is one of those kinks that some people view as strange. It is one of those sexual pleasures that people view as odd, one of those ideas that will bring about thoughts about people who have had something bad happen to them when they were children. Dogging is a bit like BDSM; people who are more vanilla sometimes believe that the person with the kinks is a little disgusting. There is a problem; people with kinks are not disgusting, they aren’t all what everyone is imagining. Some people believe that dogging is for people that can only have sex outside and are for people that just enjoy making people uncomfortable but I have met people who just enjoy it because it feels good to be like that, it feels good to be naughty and that is the similar reason for BDSM. People feel good with being less vanilla than society is usually. So, people dogging is just because they wish to have fun and we are going to explore that later on in this article. So, strap in and let’s see what we are dealing with.  

Dogging, in 2003, was reported by the BBC. It was reported that a dogging craze was being fuelled; saying that the internet and text messaging were fuelling a practice which involved unprotected sex with strangers in public parks. One aspect of dogging with protection is rather apparent and it is that doing it unprotected can lead to getting a sexually transmitted infection, there is a way to combat this within the dogging community however and that is to wear protection. Get a pack of condoms and wear them if you are going dogging because that will dramatically decrease the chance of getting anything and, as a man, I don’t want to accidentally get nine girls pregnant. That is a lot of money going out of my pocket for a week of fun. So, if someone where to go dogging, I would tell them to always wear protection as to disallow the possibility of infections and unwanted pregnancy. Apart from that, that is one of the only problems with dogging is that you could, if you aren’t carry protection, get an infection or get a few people pregnant if you are into heterosexual dogging. 

The thing about dogging is that it can be illegal considering UK laws. The situation, for example, is that, because of the Sexual Offences Act of 2003, it is an offence to have sex in a public lavatory. You would think that would make all public sex illegal but the public sex laws are open to multiple interpretations. The most the law, as I have researched, can do about someone dogging is that if someone, a member of the public, witnesses the event and they can be defined as “outraged” in the eyes of the law. Then, even from what I could see, there isn’t a lot to go off of with that description because it doesn’t mean a lot. It just means someone is really angry about what was going or they were injured by it. There is no real way to arrest someone dogging unless they are having sex in a public toilet or the person that happens upon the sex is angry about it, for some reason. You can even note that there has been a rise in venues that allow public sex because, possibly, there is a more relaxed approach to the enforcement of these public sex laws since the 1990’s. There venues are often called SOPVs, which mean Sex on Premises Venues. They usually are commercial venues that allow men who want to have sex with men to meet and have sex with each other. There is another term that is called “an on-premises club”, this is a different kind of SOPV as it is commonly used by straight swingers and is to describe a club which there is sexual activity taking place between clients or even club members. Although the term SOPV is usually used to pay respect to MSM (Men who have Sex with Males), in the Sex Work Act in Australia, the term is defined as “a venue where a person is required to pay an admission fee or a charge to enter the venue for the purpose of engaging in sexual activities with another person who has also entered the venue on the same terms and who did not receive any form of payment or reward, whether directly, or indirectly, for engaging in sexual activities.” There is a lot of support for this Act, mainly because it is gender neutral and allows the term SOPV to be used to mean both genders and for people not to have to change between two separate words for essentially the same place. There is, however, backlash against this act as the wording explicitly excludes brothels, which many people like and wish to go to. Many people see it as a step forward to a world of “sexual freedom”.  

Some people don’t view dogging as mentally proper. There are some that view it as something that is showing the destruction of our morality of society as a whole, they say that dogging is a way to increase drugs in our youth and alcohol abuse as well. I don’t believe this, I don’t believe that allowing people the freedom to do something they wish will increase the drug use or alcohol abuse as, and for starters, it is hardly like there would be a thousand person orgy in the middle of a park for all to see. I don’t believe the people that like dogging would be able to schedule that massive of an orgy, it isn’t something that will be the cause of a massive social evil. Humans don’t work that way. Everything will be fine, even if dogging was completely legal. 

Dog all you want. Enjoy yourselves.


Dogging locations in the UK – Dogging tonight

Want to go dogging tonight?

So how do you know where to go dogging, how do you find out where these dogging locations are in your local area, and can you know for sure if you will be lucky enough to actually meet up with a couple or a single female who is out that same night also looking for some dogging action.

Dogging After, has been on the internet since 1999, and in that time has established itself as one of the largest most comprehensive dogging websites on the Internet, providing an online community for people looking to go out dogging all over the UK. They provide a huge comprehensive list of locations listed for the whole of the UK, with a meet tonight section, maps and directions, reviews and photos and videos, giving you a huge amount of information and just about everything you need to know to get involved in dogging in the UK.

The website also has a partnership with the legendary Rachel Reveals, ultimately known as the dogging Queen of the UK with a massive website of her own featuring a huge collection of her dogging photos and amateur shot video footage of Rachel meeting her members in car parks and known locations all over the UK.

dogging updates

Dogging locations just updated with over 60 brand new locations over the UK, find out where to go dogging in your local area with Dogging After Dark, the biggest dogging UK website on the internet since 1999.

Dogging After Dark lists dogging locations for the whole of the uk, with maps, directions, photos and reviews. Also with a dogging forum and a meet tonight section listing dogging meets that are taking place in your area.

The only website you need to find out where dogging locations are in your area, and for dogging photo galleries and videos / movies of amateur dogging.


New Dogging Locations


This week we have added a whole new list of dogging locations for the whole of the UK, more dogging reviews with maps and directions and the best times and places to go dogging in your area.

Check out the biggest dogging website on the internet Dogging After Dark

Where to go dogging?

Ever wanted to go dogging but not really sure where to go or where to find out where there are dogging car parks and places to go in your local area?

Dogging after dark has been on the internet since 1999, listing dogging locations and places all over the UK where dogging takes place. However the big difference between this website and most other dogging websites on the internet, is dogging after dark as well as listing thousands of dogging locations, they also provide detailed descriptions and directions together with maps and photos so that you can easily find out where to go and how to get there.

The website has over ten thousand UK members, a huge database of dogging locations as well as thousands of photos and videos, all uploaded by members of its website, providing what is most probably the largest dogging website on the internet.

They update the dogging locations on a weekly basis and are adding new maps and directions and updates on dogging locations in your area on a regular basis.

It certainly makes finding a local dogging location a lot easier when you have a detailed map and directions to hand and you know exactly where you are going and if that particular dogging location is secure and not patrolled by local Police or authorities.

Dogging After Dark

Easter Dogging

Lots of Easter dogging meet ups and locations!! Check out the After Dark forums on the link on the right to view where dogging will be taking place in your area this Easter bank holiday weekend.

The very famous dogging Rachel is planning a mini tour of popular dogging sites from Good Friday right through to Easter Monday!!!

After Dark Swinging and Dogging

Dogging Rachel